Virtual Therapy For Women in Pennsylvania and New Jersey

Bust anxiety, boost confidence, and overcome grief.

Hey, friend. Since you’re here, I’m guessing something crappy is going on in your life that you need to talk about. Maybe you’re having a tough time in your relationships. You desperately want to connect but you also have a hard time trusting people. Maybe you’re not very nice to yourself.

Thoughts like, “I’m not good enough,” or “I can’t do this,” or “I’m too difficult to love” are playing on repeat in your brain. Maybe you feel like the black sheep of the family — never quite fitting in with friends or loved ones. Or maybe you’re trying to let go of pain that no one else seems to really understand… and you’re tired of being told to just “get over it.”

Sad woman sitting by window

I know the feeling, girlfriend. I have so been there. You’re tired of seeming like you have it all together on the outside when in reality, you’re struggling with anxiety and low self-worth on the inside.

I know how sucky it is when your self-confidence is in the trash. I know how much it hurts to go about life thinking you’re the worst and everyone else has it all figured out.

I also know what it’s like to feel grief the size of an ocean — you’re doing all you can to just stay afloat.

If you’re struggling with anxiety, self-confidence, or grief, online therapy can be a tremendous source of comfort and healing.

I’m here to offer a supportive space where you can process, breathe, think out loud, and just be yourself. You don’t have to hide anything here. You don’t have to be the strong one. I’m not here to judge — your experience is valid — and I’d be honored to walk with you on your unique journey.

Jaclyn Borgia smiling during online therapy session

I approach therapy with warmth, humor, and authenticity. Think of me as the supportive big sister you never had or the daughter you've always longed to connect with. When you feel overwhelmed, I’ll be there. When you need to cry, I’ll be there. When you need to laugh, I’ll be there.

I won’t bullshit you, and I will also hold your (virtual) hand. I offer unconditional love and acceptance because I believe that just by existing, you are worthy. You are enough.

Online anxiety therapy in PA & NJ

Anxiety, people pleasing, procrastination, anxious attachment — many of my clients come to me recognizing some of the signs. They’re clenching their jaw, they can’t sleep at night, they ruminate after sending a text, they worry people will reject them, even though they’re a total catch! If you feel like you’re crawling out of your skin on a regular basis, anxiety therapy can help. I can teach you to slow down, get out of your head, and honor your mind-body-spirit connection through grounding and breathwork.

Woman smiling while sitting on couch

In a fast-paced, tech-obsessed world — we are taught to avoid rather than witness. I am here to help you get back into your body so you can really witness what you’re experiencing when you’re anxious, afraid, nervous, or ashamed. You deserve to acknowledge your authentic experience. In anxiety therapy, I will sit with you however you show up — and I will do so with love and acceptance, because your experience matters.

We’ll partner together to dissect your fears and worries, figure out where they came from, and develop healthy coping skills. This isn't about changing who you are; it's about empowering you to own your narrative and tell anxiety to take a back seat. I’m here to help you rewrite the script in your head so you can get back to kicking ass and taking names, while being a little kinder to yourself in the process.

Online therapy for self-esteem in PA & NJ

I’m here to help you look at yourself, flaws and all, and love yourself despite what you don’t like or society says is a problem. We’re gonna get honest. We’re gonna get real. When you dig deep, you face the mistakes you’ve made. You face your less desirable qualities. (Trust me, we’ve all got ‘em.) And through this honesty with yourself, true self-acceptance is born. When you face aspects of yourself that you’d rather keep hidden — you make space to change. You can become the person you want to be when you love past versions of yourself for trying her hardest.

Woman smiling during online therapy session

In therapy for self-esteem, we also dig into some tough questions. It may seem uncomfortable now, but this kind of reflection is crucial if you want to feel as good on the inside as you look on the outside. Questions like:

“Do you like yourself? Why or why not?”

“Do you wish you liked yourself?”

“What is it about you that isn’t worthy of love?”

Online grief counseling in PA & NJ

Let's talk about grief because, let's face it — it's a beast. Whether you’ve lost a parent, a spouse, a pet, even a job — grief can feel insurmountable. Grief counseling provides a supportive and compassionate environment for you to navigate the complex and overwhelming emotions associated with loss.

Sad woman grieving

You don't have to face your intense feelings alone. As a Certified Grief Counseling Specialist, I will approach your pain with the utmost care, respect, and love. Grief looks different for everyone. In grief counseling, you’ll have a safe place to process your feelings. In time, you’ll find healthy ways to cope with the pain and gradually adjust to this new season of life. I don’t push you to get over something in a certain timeline or fashion. I work at your pace in our grief counseling sessions. Your grieving process is just that — yours. I am here to offer a warm and caring place for grief to move through you — however that looks.

You may even have unresolved grief stored up inside of you that you didn’t know existed! Often when we do this work — work on anxiety, self-esteem, self-love, and self-acceptance — unresolved grief from childhood pops up. And that is a perfectly natural part of the therapeutic process. Whether you’re feeling all the feels about something that happened last week, last month, or twenty years ago — I got your back.