Don't Panic! 10 Ways to Manage Anxiety When Panic Sets In

Woman suffering panic attack

Unraveling the knots of anxiety: A journey towards calmness

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, anxiety often makes an unwelcome appearance, casting a shadow on our happiness.

It sneaks up on us in different forms—be it fretting over everyday tasks or grappling with significant stressors like work pressure or relationship issues. Here's the silver lining: anxiety, albeit a tough adversary, can be conquered.

With the right tools, strategies, and support, you can reclaim your peace of mind. At The Sassy Shrink, we're committed to walking this path with you. We believe in every woman's inherent strength and her right to happiness and health. Together, let's understand, tackle, and triumph over anxiety.

Understanding anxiety

Anxiety is more than just a fleeting feeling; it's a complex dance between our brain and body. Imagine it as an uninvited party guest, arriving without notice and often donning different disguises.

From Generalized Anxiety Disorder to Panic Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, anxiety comes in various forms. Each has its own set of symptoms and triggers, yet they all share the same goal—to embrace fear.

Understanding these common types of anxiety disorders is the first step towards reclaiming your calm. Knowledge is power, after all, and knowing what you’re afraid of and why can lend serious insight to how you handle it.

Understanding panic attacks

One of the most debilitating forms of anxiety is a panic attack. It can strike out of nowhere and leave you feeling overwhelmed, helpless, and in physical distress.

A panic attack can last anywhere from a few minutes to hours. It can be long enough to make you feel like you're losing control.

During a panic attack, your body releases stress hormones that trigger the fight or flight response. Your heart may race, your breathing becomes shallow and rapid, and you may experience dizziness, chest pain, or nausea. These physical sensations can be terrifying and only fuel the cycle of panic.

Strategies for managing anxiety and panic attacks

Anxiety may be a formidable opponent, and it's not invincible. There are several effective ways to manage and reduce anxiety. I've curated a list of ten strategies to help you regain control.

1. Identifying your anxiety triggers

Understanding what triggers your anxiety is like finding the key to a locked door. It's about recognizing the situations, thoughts, or emotions that spark your anxiety and learning to navigate them. (You're not dying, you will be ok).

For some, it may be a specific social situation or the pressure of meeting deadlines. Identify your triggers and write them down.

woman journaling in bed


Keeping a journal can be an excellent tool in this detective work, helping you spot patterns and devise coping strategies.

Read more: 5 Ways Journaling Can Help Improve Your Anxiety

2. Minimize sensory input

When life gets overwhelming, shutting out the noise and focusing inward can create a haven of calm. Whether it's closing your eyes for a few minutes, tuning out background noises, or practicing mindfulness, reducing sensory input can help manage anxiety.

So take a deep breath and turn the volume down.

3. Breathing exercises

Never underestimate the power of a deep, calming breath. It's like hitting the pause button on your racing thoughts.

Incorporating mindful breathing exercises into your daily routine can provide a much-needed sense of grounding amid the chaos.

In one study, researchers found that deep breathing exercises significantly reduced anxiety levels in participants.

So next time you feel a panic attack coming on, take a moment to focus on your breath and let the tension melt away.

Woman with closed eyes breathing deeply

Quick breathing exercise: 4-7-8 technique

  1. Breathe in for 4 seconds through your nose.

  2. Hold for 7 seconds.

  3. Exhale slowly and steadily through your mouth for 8 seconds.

Repeat this cycle a few times until you feel calmer.

4. Mindfulness meditation

Embracing the present moment might sound clichéd, yet it's a potent antidote to anxiety. Mindfulness meditation encourages you to let go of past regrets and future worries, allowing you to find peace in the now.

Research has shown that mindfulness meditation can improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety levels, and boost overall well-being. With serious physical benefits, isn’t it worth a try?

Be where your feet are, right here right now.

Simple mindfulness exercise: Body scan

  1. Find a comfortable seated position and close your eyes.

  2. Focus on each part of your body, starting from your toes and moving up to your head.

  3. Notice any tension or sensations in each area without judgment.

  4. Take deep breaths and imagine releasing the tension with each exhale.

  5. Finish with a few slow, deep breaths and open your eyes.

5. Muscle relaxation techniques

Tense muscles are often a physical manifestation of anxiety. Relaxing these tense muscles can help reduce overall tension and stress levels.

Two simple techniques to try:

Progressive muscle relaxation

Tense each muscle group for 5 seconds, then relax it for 30 seconds. Start from your feet and work your way up to your face.


The combination of mindful movements and controlled breathing in yoga can do wonders for anxiety. You don't need to be a pro; even beginners' poses like child's pose or downward dog can help release tension.

6. Repeating a mantra

A personal mantra—be it "I am enough", "I am safe", or "I am in control"—can serve as a comforting reminder during anxious moments. Repeating this affirmation can reinforce your resilience and remind you that your feelings are temporary.

Write your mantra on a sticky note and place it somewhere you can see it when anxiety strikes.

7. Physical exercise

Physical exercise is a fantastic way to channel your energy and reduce anxiety. Whether it's a brisk walk, a yoga session, or a dance-off in your living room, physical activity can boost your mood and act as a natural stress reliever.

Plus, exercise releases endorphins, chemicals that can improve your mood and overall sense of well-being. Movement literally opens up the brain and encourages pleasant feelings.

8. Getting adequate sleep

Quality sleep is crucial for managing anxiety. Establishing a calming bedtime routine and ensuring you get enough rest can set the tone for a productive, anxiety-free day.

Try to limit screen time before bed, create a relaxing sleep environment, and stick to a consistent bedtime. This will take time and will certainly be challenging at first. Expect that and push through anyway.

9. Guided imagery

Guided imagery techniques involve visualizing peaceful and calming scenarios to reduce stress and anxiety. It's like taking a mental vacation to your happy place whenever you need a break from reality.

You can find guided imagery exercises online, or you can create your own by imagining a serene location and focusing on the sensory details.

10. Seeking support

Anxiety can feel isolating, and remember that you are not alone. Reach out to loved ones or join a support group where you can share your experiences and find comfort in others' stories.

There may come a time when dealing with anxiety requires more than just self-help strategies.

Professional therapy for anxiety is also an option, and seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Professional help can provide you with the necessary tools and guidance to manage and overcome anxiety.

Many types of counseling can help you manage anxiety, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR).

Self-care and anxiety management

In the fight against anxiety, self-care isn't just an option—it's a necessity. It's about acknowledging your needs, setting boundaries, and taking time to rejuvenate. Remember, it's okay to put yourself first. You can't pour from an empty cup.

Incorporating self-care into your daily routine can help reduce stress levels and prevent panic attacks.

Here are a few simple self-care practices to try:

  • Take a bubble bath

  • Curl up with a good book

  • Watch your favorite movie

  • Indulge in your favorite hobby

  • Spend time in nature

Remember, self-care looks different for everyone. Find what brings you contentment and make it part of your daily routine.

Final thoughts

Managing anxiety isn't a one-time event; it's a continuous journey. The ten strategies we've discussed are stepping stones toward a more peaceful and fulfilling life. Such strategies need to be practiced and utilized constantly.

Living with anxiety can be challenging, and panic attacks don't have to take over your life. Remember, you're not alone in this and it's okay to ask for help. To be nervous and anxious is to be human, especially in today’s world.

Practice these techniques regularly, and soon you'll be equipped with the tools to manage anxiety when panic sets in.

At The Sassy Shrink, we're committed to helping you navigate this journey, providing the support, tools, and confidence you need to conquer anxiety. And always remember: you are stronger than you think, braver than you believe, and tougher than any anxiety.

So take a deep breath, be kind to yourself, and know that you are capable of managing anxiety and living a fulfilling life.

If you need assistance, The Sassy Shrink is here to help. Schedule an appointment today and let's start your journey towards conquering anxiety together.

Happy healing!


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Jaclyn Borgia

As a licensed professional counselor I’m passionate about my work and making meaningful positive connections. My goal is to provide people with tools to support living a satisfying and fulfilling life.


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