Coping With the Loss of a Pet: How to Deal With the Emotions

Loss of pet background

Losing a pet can be one of the most difficult things we go through in life. Pets are often considered members of the family, and their loss can leave us feeling overwhelmed with sadness, loneliness, and grief. These emotions can seem impossible to cope with.

If you're coping with the death of a pet, know that you are not alone. Grief is a natural response to loss, and it takes time to heal.

In this blog post, we will discuss the stages of grief, the emotions associated with pet loss, coping strategies that can help you get through this tough time, and where to find support.

We'll also provide some tips on how to honor your pet's memory.

Why does losing a beloved pet hurt so deeply?

Losing a pet is more than just the death of an animal. It can be a painful reminder of our own mortality and feelings of vulnerability.

Happy woman petting her dog

Pets provide us with unconditional love and companionship, so it's only natural that their loss brings up our own unresolved grief from past losses in life. This can make coping with pet loss even more difficult.

The stages of grief after the loss of a pet

You may have heard of the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. These five stages were first identified by Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross in her 1969 book On Death and Dying.

When coping with a pet’s death, you may experience the same stages of grief. However, not everyone goes through all of the stages—some people move quickly from one stage to another or back and forth between stages.

You may feel like you're stuck at a certain stage or that progress has stopped, but keep in mind that grief is a process, it takes time, and everyone experiences it differently.

We covered these stages in-depth in a previous blog post, so if you want to learn more about them, please check it out.

Woman in grief

Read more: Stages of Grief: What to Expect and How to Cope

Emotions associated with pet loss

When you lose a pet, you may experience intense feelings of sadness, guilt, loneliness, anger, exhaustion, and helplessness. You may also feel shock, disbelief, or denial. Whatever emotions you're feeling, know that it's normal and okay to experience them.

It can be helpful to practice self-compassion and allow yourself the time and space to grieve. Make sure you take breaks from your day-to-day activities if you need to; grief can be overwhelming and you may need to rest or take some time alone.

Experiencing these feelings doesn't make you weak or silly. It's important to remember that the bond between people and their pets is strong, and coping with the loss of a pet can be an intensely personal journey. You shouldn't feel embarrassed or ashamed of your emotions. How you feel is a testament to the bond you shared with your furry friend.

Coping strategies for coping with pet loss

It's important to take care of your mental health during this difficult time. Basic self care must continue although it may be challenging to meet basic needs. 

Here are some coping strategies that may help and keep you moving forward:

Take time out of your day to do something you enjoy.

This could include taking a walk, listening to music, reading a book, or doing something creative.

Write down your thoughts and feelings in a journal.

Woman writing in journal

Writing can be a great coping mechanism and help you process your emotions. Your cell phone notes, diary or journal doesn’t talk back and simply absorbs your truth. It can feel freeing to share that much with an object that meets you exactly where you are. 

Talk to someone about how you're feeling.

Find a friend, family member, or therapist who will listen without judgment and support you during this tough time. Being with people you love and love you can feel like medicine for a major boo boo. Don’t underestimate the power of a warm hug, a phone chat with a sibling, a text exchange with your bestie.

Don't let anyone tell you how to feel.

While it's important to seek advice from those you trust, ultimately, only you can decide what coping strategies work best for you. We have all experienced loss of some kind, and yet, struggle to comfort one another. Your loved ones may say the wrong thing by accident, so remember to honor how you feel even if others don’t understand it.

Find a way to honor your pet's memory

You could make a scrapbook, write a poem or story about your pet, or donate to an animal welfare organization in their name. See more below.

Remember the good times with your pet

Woman petting adorable cat

Looking back on happy memories can help us find solace in the sadness. Practicing gratitude for the relationship with your beloved pet can look like sifting through old photos, sharing stories with your neighbors about Shiloh’s obsession with the mailman, anything that allows you to smile when thinking about your sweet pet. 

Join a support group

Sharing your experience with others who have gone through the same thing can help you feel less alone. You can call the ASPCA Pet Loss Hotline at 877-474-3310. Despite the normal social anxiety butterflies, this is worth pursuing if you want to be with folks who get it.

Practice relaxation techniques

Try deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, guided meditation, or yoga. If you are currently working with us at The Sassy Shrink, you may already be practicing your deep breathing techniques. This is why we practice “outside of crisis”, my friends: for times like this.

Remember that it's okay to cry

Research shows that crying can help reduce stress and promote healing. Our bodies are beautiful machines that absorb and dump, and crying is no different than sweating or pooping ::insert smirk here:: So go on babe, let your beautiful face express through tears, let go of pain, release suffering.

Look after yourself

The stress of coping with loss can be exhausting and emotionally draining. Make sure you're taking care of yourself by eating nutritious meals, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep. This is what we mean by meeting your basic needs. If you are struggling to do this, please reach out for support.

Where to find support for coping with pet loss

It can be helpful to reach out for professional help when coping with the death of a pet. Do some research and see what kind of counseling and bereavement services are available in your area. Look for a therapist who specializes in grief and loss.

If you're looking for online grief counseling, The Sassy Shrink offers virtual sessions to make it easier and more comfortable to get help.

We provide therapeutic coping strategies tailored to your individual needs, so book a free consultation today and start taking control of how you cope with the loss of your pet.

Coping with a loss of a pet can be incredibly difficult - but you don't have to go through it alone! Contact The Sassy Shrink and start feeling better today.

Honoring the memory of your pet

You may feel like you want to do something special for your pet's memory. Here are some ideas:

  • Create a memorial photo album with pictures and mementos from their life with you.

  • Write a letter or poem about them and keep it somewhere special.

  • Donate to an animal welfare organization in their name or volunteer your time.

  • Plant a tree or bush in memory of them and visit it often.

  • Light a candle for them on special occasions.

  • Share stories about them with family and friends, or create a video tribute.

  • Draw a picture or make a craft in their honor.

If you don't possess an artistic flair, there are several online services that will craft art from a photograph of your beloved pet. Additionally, if you'd like to honor their memory visually or wear it as jewelry, there are many cool options available for preserving their remains.

No matter how you choose to honor the memory of your pet, take comfort in knowing that they are still with you and will continue to live on in your heart. The love you provided was incredible, and your furry loved one was quite lucky to live a life by your side.

Final thoughts

No matter what coping strategies you choose, it's important to remember that your emotions are valid and normal. You may never forget the pet you lost, and with time and patience, it will become easier to accept that their life was meaningful. Their memory will remain in your heart forever.

If coping with a loss of a pet is becoming too much to bear, don't hesitate to reach out for help. The Sassy Shrink has experienced therapists and coaches who are ready to listen without judgment and support you during this tough time. We got your back, Sassy.


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Jaclyn Borgia

As a licensed professional counselor I’m passionate about my work and making meaningful positive connections. My goal is to provide people with tools to support living a satisfying and fulfilling life.


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